Saturday, April 17, 2010

India Trip Meeting

This afternoon we had another trip meeting, and every time we meet I get more excited and expectant. To start us off, we did a couple ice breakers, and if you've never played Signs, it's super fun:) Then we went into a time of worship and prayer. 

We prayed over a lot of the things we were expecting for from the trip. We want the Lord to prepare the hearts of the people we'll be developing relationships with, to soften their hearts and open their eyes. 

I'm doing a morning devotional over prayer and something I've been learning is how to act as an intercessor. There's a part that talks about how Moses was an intercessor for the people when the Lord was angry with them. Moses prayed on behalf of the people. He didn't change God's mind, but by intercessing for them and offering prayers on their behalf, God's power was released through his prayers. 

That's exactly how we approach India! O Lord, prepare their hearts for the words we bring them through your message. Use our hands, our words, our smile, our touch, to bring your truth and love into their lives. 

The Lord will do great things, of this I am sure. 

Please continue praying for my team, that we will be fully equipped for the work ahead, and that the hearts of the people would be prepared for His message. 

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