Thursday, April 8, 2010

Trip update

After Encounter tonight we had another team meeting to discuss where we're at with everything. Here are some updates:

-We will start meeting every Thursday night after Encounter, and then every other Saturday for two hours.

 -During this time we will be putting into action in Norman what we will do in South Asia, by sharing the gospel and evangelizing. We will be doing a lot of training on everything we need to know about the area and the work we will be doing.

-During the trip, we will be getting gym memberships, as recommended by the team already working there. The people in the area are very relational, and we will be working out four times a week to establish relationships and work from there.

-Our plans for raising support continue. We need $26,000 in the next few weeks. Our Lord is the perfect provider and we are trusting Him to provide. "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you." John 15:7

-We are also doing some fund raising projects, and will work on them on the off-weeks when we aren't training

Prayer Requests:
-That the Lord would banish all fear in any/all aspects of the trip. 
-That our training would be effective and powerful
-Provision for all financial needs 
-Logistically, all the necessary plans would fall in place
-Each team member would be spiritually and emotionally equipped 
-An increase of love, wisdom, and boldness for each team member

1 comment:

  1. This post was an encouragement to me. YOU are an encouragement to me. Can't wait to spend a month with you this summer. You're great. Love you!
