Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Love's like a hurricane, I am a tree

Tonight we had Life Group at Heather's house, our section leader. First of all, it was awesome. We had a lot of new faces and then all the beautiful one's of those who always come. 

Antioch has this system where you come to church and love on God and learn more about him and his purposes, but then we always have Life Group, which meets once a week at someone's house as a community.

We have food and hang out, then go into a time of worship and prayer, a brief message, then Discipleship Groups (D-Groups). Life Group is such a blessing to me, and the amazing girls (and guys) who come are so encouraging.

WELL. So tonight after Life Group, we all went to my sister Sam's house for some cookies and rain. No kidding, Norman got hit with tornado "warnings" and some hail. But other than that it made for a beautiful night of sitting on her porch with my best friends, watching the storm blow in, praising Jesus. It was so good. So good. This is what I expect college to be. Awesome moments of community when our love for Christ becomes the focus of all the other stuff. 

These are some of the girls last Christmas at the Courts, our old meeting place. We've gotten so big that our life group has multiplied twice. We're up to about 20 again. Praise Jesus:)

This is kind of what it looks like from the porch, just thought I would share.

1 comment:

  1. Found you = ) That night was perfect. It was exactly how I've pictured college as well. I love you!!
